Neighborhood Services

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Serving Our Gert Town Neighbors

Computer Usage and Education

Are computers a mystery to you? We can help you acquire basic computer skills to help you succeed. Just learning computer basics will help you with many life tasks, including:

  • Email
  • Shopping
  • Budgeting
  • Research
  • Job hunting and resume creation
  • Business forms
  • Computer Use

    Our computers are available for those who need to submit online applications for SNAP or Unemployment Compensation, search for and research jobs or complete job applications, etc.

    All are welcome to drop in for computer use Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.


  • Computer Classes

    The Peace Center offers free Computer Classes for adults. Topics cover:

    • Computer Basics
    • Microsoft Word/Word Processing
    • Microsoft Excel/Building Spreadsheets

    Class sessions are six to eight weeks long. Computer classes are held on Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon and Friday mornings from 10:00 am-to 12:00 noon. Call the Center at (504) 267-3342 for the next scheduled Adult Computer class.

    These sessions are offered three times throughout the year.


Employment Assistance


The Peace Center’s Employment Program is open to those aged 18 to 70. This program is for those who already have skills, a goal, who are interested in attending a 4-year college or 2-year college program, and/or are interested in opening their own business. Case Management services assist each person in creating an employment plan specific to their skills. We value the human dignity of each enrollee and seek to uplift each person in their search for employment through:

  • Discussion of actual skills versus skills to be acquired
  • Resume writing
  • Acquiring jobs
  • Assistance in the creation of a small business
  • Provision of monetary incentives
  • Problem-solving consultation once a job is secured
  • Continued case management services to keep you on the job

Thanks to a partnership with the Urban League, we also offer a job skills and work development program that provides training and information about jobs in the New Orleans area. It is specifically designed for young men and women between 18-24 years of age, but older adults can also benefit from working with their programs.

The Peace Center’s Job Readiness Training offers one-on-one help from qualified professionals.  Your coach’s role is to guide you until you have found employment.

Job Coaches will help you to:

  1. Assess your own talents and job expectations
  2. Learn practical DOs and DON’Ts of job-seeking
  3. Prepare a resume
  4. Complete a job application online
  5. Practice interviews

Participants will benefit from the guidance of a coach as they work towards gaining employment. This program is FREE and open to adults.

Anyone who has been incarcerated or has recently been released is also encouraged to look into the program for employment assistance.

Interested? Call the Peace Center!  504-267-3342

Care for the Body and Soul

At the Peace Center we seek ways to educate for peace, seek the truth when the peace is broken, and look for solutions to repair the breaks. The Peace Center sits in the middle of it all, opens its doors, and welcomes our neighbors to find some peace for themselves.

  • Walk-in Assistance

    There are many helpful programs for those who need assistance with housing, groceries, utility payments, and more. If you need assistance applying for:

    • Medicaid/Medicare
    • Social Security
    • SNAP
    • Unemployment compensation

    or other programs, the Peace Center can help!

  • Spiritual Counseling

    How is God active in your life? Where is God leading you? How do you hear God speaking to you?

    Engage these and other questions through the Christian practice known as “spiritual direction.” Accompanied by a trained spiritual guide, take this opportunity to share your spiritual journey with God and reflect on where God may be leading you.

    Sr. Suzanne Brauer, a trained spiritual director, would be happy to talk with you. To make an appointment, call Sr. Suzanne at (504) 267-3342. Sessions typically last about an hour.

“A new part of the world opens up to our students when they become computer literate.”

Sr. Suzanne Brauer, OP

Your gift will support computer classes and job training at the Peace Center!

